Back and Neck problems are very common. It has been estimated that up to 80% of adults may experience back pain at some points in their lives. Back pain is a leading cause of missed work days and reduced productivity.

The Spine

The spine is made up of segments of bones (Vertebrae) and cushions (Discs) and joints (Facet Joints). Throughout a person’s life, the spine constantly undertakes the person’s body weight and is thus prone to degeneration and pain. The reasons for back problems include genetic predisposition, manual work, and smoking. Having a ‘bad’ posture does not in itself cause spinal degeneration, but may worsen any spinal problems already present.

Slipped Disc

Slipped disc is a condition where the disc in between the bones slips out of its normal position and presses on a nerve. This causes severe pain running down the arm or the leg. Many cases can be successfully treated with medications and physiotherapy. However, patients with severe pain or persistent pain will recover very well with a Microdiscectomy surgery, which is to remove the portion of the disc pressing on the nerve.

Spine Degeneration

Spinal degenerative problems include Degenerative Disc Disease, Facet Arthrosis, and Spinal Stenosis. These problems can cause back and neck pain, or can cause nerve pain running along the leg or arm. Early cases can often be effectively managed by core muscle strengthening exercises and appropriate lifestyle modifications.

For more severe conditions, Spinal injection therapy is a very effective method of reducing chronic pain and delaying or preventing further degeneration. Spinal injection therapy is also used for acute cases of back ligament tear (annular tear), a condition which causes severe back pain that may take 3 months to recover without the therapy.

For long-term maintenance of spine degeneration, regular self-core exercises are important. Yoga and pilates are also good activities to help maintain your spine. Certain collagen supplements do help in suitable cases, and weight-bearing activities such as running, jumping, or weights in the gym should be moderated.

Spinal Fusion Surgery

The principle of treatment for spinal problems is to avoid major surgeries unless really required for persons in their 50s to 70s. Centurion Orthopaedic Centre emphasises non-surgical treatment methods for spinal problems as far as possible.

Our expertise include:

  • Long-term maintenance 
  • Physiotherapy: using Traction and Nerve Stretches 
  • Spinal Injection Therapy
  • Slipped Disc: Microdiscectomy surgery
  • Degeneration: Fusion surgeries